Top Ways to Clean Vinyl Records And Get Better Sound

Keeping your vinyl records clean is important. From the ritual dusting, every time you put a record on and off the turntable to those special moments when you decide to spend a little more time with your precious collection, taking proper care of your vinyl is essential.

It is true that for many people cleaning their vinyl records could be a bit of a hassle, but the fact is that if you enjoy spending time listening to these records, you will undoubtedly want to get better sound out of them. Plus, the best way to guarantee the longevity of your vinyl is by cleaning them regularly. So what are some of the easiest and simplest ways to clean vinyl records?

1. Microfiber Cleaning Cloth

Sometimes the simplest solutions are the best. This method will undoubtedly go a long way to help you turn even the dustiest records to a state of spotlessness.

It is always good to have a cloth handy. The soft surface allows these clothes to glide over the surface and scoop up all the dust and small particles that might have collected on your records. This is perhaps the most generic method you can use but alway remember K.I.S.S.

2. AudioQuest Anti-Static Record Cleaning Brush

If you want to really clean those grooves, you will probably want to consider slightly more specialized 


equipment than a microfiber cloth. Now, for the most part, these brushes are cheap, but to get maximum results, you should probably spring for a mid-range one.

Why this brush you might ask? 
Like you don’t know: the brush enters the grooves and scoops up all uninvited particles and dust motes. Plus, you have a speedy way of reducing static electricity, which is the reason why dust particles converge on the grooves in the first place.

Check out the awesome AudioQuest Anti-Static Record Cleaning Brush.


3. Vacuum Record Cleaning Kit

Doing all by hand is all very fine, and maybe you are the type of person who wouldn’t mind going through hundreds of records, and that’s all very well. But what if you want to optimize your cleaning a little?

As it turns out, there is a quick and simple way to clean, and that’s your Vacuum Record Cleaning Kit. The kit comes with a special rod that will replace the expensive gear that a machine would ask for in terms of investment upfront.

You can do quite a bit with the proper kit. And as a bonus, you won’t have to cringe at every pop and crack your record emits. The kit itself is very easy to use, and it will help extract dust motes, grime, and logged dirt out of your vinyl’s grooves with ease.

The kit is admittedly a little more technical, but easy to get the hang of.

Make sure to give the Vacuum Record Cleaning Kit a try.


4. Disco-Antistat Record Cleaning (WAYS TO CLEAN VINYL RECORDS)

Another option to consider is the Disco-Antistat Record Cleaning. In all honesty, this seems to be one of the most popular and widely used products by vinyl aficionados. The Disco-Antistat will first help you clean the grooves carefully and thoroughly, and you can additionally use the provided cleaning solution for maximum efficiency.

There is no speck, mote, or particle that can avoid the grip of this agent, and you will end up with a sparkling clean collection of records that you can enjoy for years to come.

The Disco-Antistat, as the name of the product suggests, will help you get rid of all the unwanted static that leads to sudden drops in the quality of the sound.

Take a look at Disco-Antistat Record Cleaning.


5. What about a Vacuum Cleaner? (WAYS TO CLEAN VINYL RECORDS)

We recommend giving the Pro-Ject Vinyl Cleaner – VC-S a fair go. Want to pamper all those grooves? One of the best ways to do this is to use a Po-Ject set. It will help you get every last speck of dust out of your collection. And save yourself loads of time while guaranteeing better sound out of your records? You may want to give Pro-Ject a go.

Look up Pro-Ject Vinyl Cleaner and get your collection sparkly clean today!

6. Vinyl Buddy Record Cleaner (WAYS TO CLEAN VINYL RECORDS)

The Vinyl Buddy Record Cleaner is indeed an excellent ally to have on your side. This simple tool will allow you to remove all static and scoop up the pieces of unwanted dust with ease. And you won’t have to struggle with several different devices. No, all you need to do is to run your buddy right along the surface of your vinyl records and enjoy the quick results.

Looking to dote out on every single record in your collection? Want to save some time? Well, then the solution is simple.

Pick your own cleaning buddy and make sure that your vinyl is always playing with the best sound quality they can muster.

Meet your new Vinyl Cleaner buddy.


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