6 Things to Strictly Avoid When You Are New to Vinyl Collection

It is a great hobby to collect vinyl records. Also, it has a kind of vintage appeal to it and makes you feel special. It can also help you stand out from the crowd once you have built a decent collection. But there are many things to be avoided before you start your collection.

Here are six things to avoid when you are new to vinyl collection.

new to vinyl collection

1. Not Learning About the Sizes & RPMs

 Someone new to the vinyl collection should avoid many things. Not building your knowledge is one of them. Many newbies never bother to learn about the different sizes and RPMs of records available.

  • Records are available in different sizes depending on the music contained
  • A 7-inch record contains lesser music than standard size vinyl
  • The amount of music that one can add to a side also affects the quality of sound
  • 12-inch standard records can hold a maximum of around 22 minutes of music
  • Albums made for CD can hold about 60 minutes of music

RPM (revolutions per minute) is the number of times the platter spins in a single minute. There are three speeds at which your vinyl records can play:

  • 33-1/3
  • 45
  • 78

If you want to build a vinyl collection, you will have to know about these options.

Remember, most of the standard vinyl play at 33-1/3 rpm. You can also find many maxi-singles and EPs that run at 45 rpm. It is sporadic to come across a record that plays at 78 rpm.

Most of the 7-inch singles are going to be 45 rpm. You can find the rpm of a vinyl printed on the label. And you can switch a turntable between 33-1/3 and 45 rpm to play the different records.

2. Touching the Record Surfaces

Once you have built up your knowledge of different types of vinyl records, you should learn how to avoid damaging your precious collection. You are going to listen and handle your LPs often. So, you should know how not to manage them.

You should not touch the record surfaces with your bare hands.

  • The grooves on the surface can easily attract dirt
  • When you touch them, they hold onto dust, skin particles, and oil
  • All this matter builds up in the grooves and attracts more particles from the air
  • It can cause pops and cracks when you play the record
  • Always hold the disc from the outer edges

You should treat them delicately. No matter whether it is an expensive or cheap vinyl in your collection, following this tip can help you in increasing its lifecycle.

new to vinyl collection


It seems to be an entertaining thing to use hands to cue up the vinyl on the turntable to skip between different tracks. Also, it may seem to be cool, but you must avoid it.

Instead of using your hands, you should be using the cueing lever provided on the turntable. This lever can precisely be aimed at the gaps between the songs. Also, make sure to lower the needle gradually. Any abrupt motion can cause damage to the vinyl.

Another point is not to drag the needle across the vinyl. We also suggest you wait for a song to complete before the needle is pulled up.

new to vinyl collection

4. Stop Cleaning it the Wrong Way IF YOU'RE NEW TO VINYL COLLECTION

Many vinyl collectors can use almost anything to clean their records. Everyone seems to have their own unique, special methods for cleaning, and they seem to feel that it is the best.

  • Avoid the regular use of any product that includes acetone
  • Avoid any cleaning product that can chemically react with the vinyl
  • Such cleaning products can metal the musical grooves
  • Avoid the use of dish soap because they can leave trace residues on the vinyl
  • Avoid using tap water for cleaning because they can leave mineral deposits

So you should use only distilled water as part of the cleaning process.

Always use products that are specific for cleaning vinyl. Some vinyl cleaning solutions have certain amounts of alcohol, which has a damaging effect. You should also avoid such products. Eventually, your emphasis should be on keeping the surface clean at all times and reducing the reliance on cleaning products or frequent cleaning.

It is also a standard practice to use a t-shirt, paper towels, and throw-away towels for cleaning LPs. Even if these items are clean, they are going to scratch the surface. Use carbon fiber brush because they are incredibly soft and can attract dust.

new to vinyl collection

5. Avoid Picking Up Vinyl from Spinning Platter if you're NEW TO VINYL COLLECTION

When listening to different albums, it is a common practice to switch between records. It can often involve picking up the record even before the platter comes to a stop. Avoid doing so. It is another way of damaging the record, only this time its underside.

Make sure only to remove the vinyl when the platter stops. Even if you follow one of the tips mentioned above and pick the album from the outer edges, this is going to cause damage. You must treat the vinyl records with love and care. So, if you want to become a vinyl collector, you should build the habit of patience.

new to vinyl collection

6. Avoid Picking Up/Dropping Needle Abruptly if you're NEW TO VINYL COLLECTION

As already mentioned, you shouldn’t engage in regular picking and dropping of the needle. It will gouge out the grooves quickly. Follow these tips to avoid making this mistake:

  • Pick up the needle at a slow pace when the music fades out
  • The needle should be dropped delicately using the cueing lever
  • A good practice is to allow your records to play the entire album without any interruption

Final Thoughts for those who're NEW TO VINYL COLLECTION!

If you want to be a true vinyl aficionado, you should learn the habit of enjoying the music to its fullest. It is essential to realize that your LPs are going to deteriorate over time, and that is natural. Avoid doing the wrong things that can speed up the process and shorten your collection’s life. There are many other things to avoid as a new vinyl collector.

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